Wednesday, June 18, 2008

3d art The Kiss by arturojm painting

3d art The Kiss by arturojm painting
William Bouguereau Evening Mood painting No,” I said. “I waited till I had seen you, as I said in my telegram. I wrote him a letter simply telling him that you were coming,as Miss Westenra was not so well, and that I should let him know if need be.”
“Right, my friend,” he said. “Quite right! Better he not know as yet. Perhaps he will never know. I pray so, but if it be needed, then he shall know all. And, my good friend John, let me caution you. You deal with the madmen. All men are mad in some way or the other, and inasmuch as you deal discreetly with your madmen, so deal with God’s madmen too, the rest of the world. You tell not your madmen what you do nor why you do it. You tell them not what you think. So you shall keep knowledge in its place, where it may rest, where it may gather its kind around it and breed. You and I shall keep as yet what we know here, and here.” He touched me on the heart and on the forehead, and then touched himself the same way. “I have for myself thoughts at the present. Later I shall unfold to you.”
“Why not now?” I asked. “It may do some good. We may arrive at some decision.” He looked at me and said, “My friend John, when

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