Monday, June 9, 2008

Knight Knight Picking Flowers painting

Knight Knight Picking Flowers painting
Waterhouse Waterhouse Narcissus painting
Sargent Two Women Asleep in a Punt under the Willows painting
hassam At the Piano painting
What, is Antonio here?
Ready, so please your grace.
I am sorry for thee: thou art come to answerA stony adversary, an inhuman wretchuncapable of pity, void and emptyFrom any dram of mercy.
I have heardYour grace hath ta'en great pains to qualifyHis rigorous course; but since he stands obdurateAnd that no lawful means can carry meOut of his envy's reach, I do opposeMy patience to his fury, and am arm'dTo suffer, with a quietness of spirit,The very tyranny and rage of his.
Go one, and call the Jew into the court.
He is ready at the door: he comes, my lord.
Make room, and let him stand before our face.Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too,That thou but lead'st this fashion of thy maliceTo the last hour of act; and then 'tis thought

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