Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Allan R.Banks paintings

Allan R.Banks paintings
Andrea Mantegna paintings

The use of patriotic themes in advertising has been a huge trend since the Sept. 11 attacks. But some critics say some ads may be going to far. Is using patriotism to sell products in bad taste or a way to help the economy?
With everyone from President Bush to New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani urging the country to get back to normal, companies like New York Sports Clubs and Ford have been using patriotic messages to try to get the wheels of capitalism rolling again.But for media watchers, the amber waves of patriotism that have swept over advertising have stirred up some controversy. While some argue that companies are just doing their part to help the economy out of its funk, others say using patriotism to sell products so soon after a national tragedy is in poor taste."It's an emotional time for everyone and advertisers — like everyone else —

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