Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Douglas Hofmann Model painting

Douglas Hofmann Model painting
Claude Monet La Japonaise painting
reported that the companies have been talking for months and a deal "could still collapse." Taylor said rumors about a sale appeared in the Japanese press about a month ago. "I don't think that Nintendo is trying to buy Sega," he said. "There have been rumors floating around about some kind of an arrangement between Nintendo and Sega for some time." The story comes as the video-game industry faces a year of heightened activity and change. In October, market-leading Sony introduced PlayStation 2 in North America. Units were snapped up virtually before they were on store shelves. Citing a shortage of parts, the company brought out only half the inventory it had planned to. Meanwhile, Japan-based Nintendo, which has its North American headquarters in Redmond, is expected to introduce its next-generation console, the Gamecube, in the fall. And a new player - Microsoft - is set to launch a console, called the Xbox, in the fall, too.

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