Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jean-Paul Laurens paintings

Jean-Paul Laurens paintings
Jules Breton paintings
SCARLETT: Oh, don't tease me now. Have I your heart my darling? I love you, I love you...ASHLEY: You mustn't say such things. You'll hate me for hearing them.SCARLETT: Oh, I could never hate you and, and I know you must care about me. Oh, you do care, don't you? ASHLEY: Yes, I care. Oh can't we go away and forget we ever said these things?SCARLETT: But how can we do that? Don't you, don't you want to marry me? ASHLEY: I'm going to marry Melanie. SCARLETT: But you can't, not if you care for me.ASHLEY: Oh my dear, why must you make me say things that will hurt you? How can I make you understand? You're so young and I'm thinking, you don't know what marriage means.SCARLETT: I know I love you and I want to be your wife. You don't love Melanie.ASHLEY: She's like me, Scarlett. She's part of my blood, we understand each other.SCARLETT: But you love me!ASHLEY: How could I help loving you? You have all the passion for life that I lack. But that kind of love isn't enough to make a successful marriage for two people who are as different as we are.

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