Tuesday, July 1, 2008

John William Waterhouse The Lady of Shalott painting

John William Waterhouse The Lady of Shalott painting
Claude Monet Water Lily Pond painting
discouraged. But the tide turned after that. Several Sloane homesteads came next, where they got liberal subscriptions, and from that to the end they fared well, with only an occasional snub. Their last place of call was at Robert Dickson's by the pond bridge. They stayed to tea here, although they were nearly home, rather than risk offending Mrs. Dickson, who had the reputation of being a very "touchy" woman.
While they were there old Mrs. James White called in.
"I've just been down to Lorenzo's," she announced. "He's the proudest man in Avonlea this minute. What do you think? There's a brand new boy there. . .and after seven girls that's quite an event, I can tell you." Anne pricked up her ears, and when they drove away she said.
"I'm going straight to Lorenzo White's."
"But he lives on the White Sands road and it's quite a distance out of our, way" protested Diana. "Gilbert and Fred will canvass him."

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