Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lord Frederick Leighton The Painter's Honeymoon painting

Lord Frederick Leighton The Painter's Honeymoon painting
Pierre Auguste Renoir La Moulin de la Galette painting
far yet."
"You'd find something good to say of the devil himself, Jim Boyd."
"Well, you've heard the story of the old lady who said he was persevering. But no, Cornelia, I've nothing good to say of the devil."
"Do you believe in him at all?" asked Miss Cornelia seriously.
"How can you ask that when you know what a good Presbyterian I am, Cornelia? How could a Presbyterian get along without a devil?"
"Do you?" persisted Miss Cornelia.
Captain Jim suddenly became grave.
"I believe in what I heard a minister once call `a mighty and malignant and intelligent power of evil working in the universe,'" he said solemnly. "I do that, Cornelia. You can call it the devil, or the `principle of evil,' or the Old Scratch, or any name you like. It's there, and

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