Friday, July 18, 2008

Louis Aston Knight paintings

Louis Aston Knight paintings
Leon Bazile Perrault paintings
On a lighter note, indeed that of an invisible nature, the front page of The Guardian introduces the results of a 10-day study on ghosts conducted in the vaults and tunnels in Edinburgh castle and the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland. More than 250 brave souls wandered through areas suspected of harboring paranormal activity and say they have confirmed its existence. And just one night after her American debut on NBC's The Weakest Link, the London broadsheets and tabloids report on the dismal reviews Anne Robinson received in the American press. The Daily Mail does little to cushion the blow, telling its homegrown girl, "It's you who's the weakest link, U.S. critics tell Anne." Should this popular British hit have been sent across the Atlantic? Only time will tell.

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