Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nancy O'Toole paintings

Nancy O'Toole paintings
Pino paintings
There is an old proverb that really seems at times to be inspired . . ."it never rains but it pours." The measure of that day's tribulations was not yet full. Just as Mr. Allan had finished returning thanks there arose a strange, ominous sound on the stairs, as of some hard, heavy object bounding from step to step, finishing up with a grand smash at the bottom. Everybody ran out into the hall. Anne gave a shriek of dismay.
At the bottom of the stairs lay a big pink conch shell amid the fragments of what had been Miss Barry's platter; and at the top of the stairs knelt a terrified Davy, gazing down with wide-open eyes at the havoc.
"Davy," said Marilla ominously, "did you throw that conch down on purpose?"
"No, I never did," whimpered Davy. "I was just kneeling here, quiet as quiet, to watch you folks

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