Monday, August 18, 2008

Edward Hopper Railroad Sunset painting

Edward Hopper Railroad Sunset paintingEdward Hopper Corn Hill Truro Cape Cod paintingEdward Hopper Cape Cod Morning painting
magician, don't you see—"
"See what? There's nothing to see." But his voice was suddenly hard and wary, and the green eyes were beginning to be frightened. "The Red Bull came for a unicorn, so she had to become something else. You begged me to change her— what is it frets you now?"
Molly shook her head in the wavering way of an old woman. She said, "I didn't know you meant to turn her into a human girl. You would have done better—" She did not finish, but looked away from him. One hand continued to stroke the white girl's hair.
"The magic chose the shape, not I," Schmendrick answered. "A mountebank may select this cheat or that, but a magician is a porter, a donkey carrying his master where he must. The magician calls, but the magic chooses. If it changes a unicorn to a human being, then that was the only thing to do." His face was fevered with an ardent delirium which made him look even younger. "I am a bearer," he sang. "I am a dwelling, I am a messenger—"

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