Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Johannes Vermeer The Love letter painting

Johannes Vermeer The Love letter paintingGustav Klimt The Virgin paintingGustav Klimt dancer painting
still in the planning phase.
Which several projects, George is my name; my deeds have been heard of in Tower Hall, and my childhood has been chronicled in theJournal of Experimental Psychology .I am he that was called in those days Billy Bocksfuss -- cruel misnomer. For had I indeed a cloven foot I'd not now hobble upon a stick or need ride pick-a-back to class in humid weather. Aye, it was just for want of a proper hoof that in my fourteenth year I was the kicked instead of the kicker; that I lay crippled on the reeking peat and saw my first love tupped by a brute Angora. Mercy on that buck who butted me from one world to another; whose fell horns turned my sweetheart's fancy, drove me from the pasture, and set me gimping down the road I travel yet. This bare brow, shame of I hope and believe, together with the extraordinarySyllabus itself, will more than make good what losses you have sustained on my previous manuscripts and vindicate your unremitting, most touching faith in

This regenerate Seeker after Answers,

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