Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Edmund Blair Leighton The Charity of St painting

Edmund Blair Leighton The Charity of St paintingEdmund Blair Leighton Alain Chartier paintingEdmund Blair Leighton Off painting
No, I don’t think I have.”
“Funny. Jimmie knows almost everyone. You’d like him. I must bring you together.” Having failed to establish contact, Thurston seemed now to think that responsibility for the conversation devolved on me.
“Mr. Thurston,” I said, “is there anything particular you wished to say to me? Because otherwise ...”
“I was coming to that,” said Thurston. “Isn’t there somewhere more private where we could go and talk?”
It was a reasonable suggestion. Two page boys sat on a bench beside us, the hall porter watched us curiously from behind his glass screen, two or three members passing through paused by the tape machine to take a closer look at my peculiar visitor. I was tolerably certain that he was not one of the enthusiasts for my work who occasionally beset me, but was either a beggar or a madman or both; at another time I should have sent him away, but that afternoon, with no prospect of other interest, I hesitated. “Be a good scout,” he urged.
There is at my club a nondescript little room of depressing aspect where members give interviews to the press, go through figures with their accountants, and in general

1 comment:

PaintingHere.com said...

Edward Hopper Hotel Room painting"