Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with Yarnwinder painting

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with Yarnwinder paintingLeonardo da Vinci Madonna Litta paintingLeonardo da Vinci Leda painting
continued to deepen, until finally he had become a recluse, perhaps in order to escape this world in which demons could steal his own son's body, a world unsafe for a man of true religious faith.
His father's transformation disconcerted Saladin, even at such a great distance. His parents had been Muslims in the lackadaisical, light manner of Bombayites; Changez Chamchawala had seemed far more godlike to his infant son than any Allah. That this father, this profane deity (albeit now discredited), had dropped to his knees in his old age and started bowing towards Mecca was hard for his godless son to accept.
"I blame that witch," he told himself, falling for rhetorical purposes into the same language of spells and goblins that his father had commenced to employ. "That Nasreen Two. Is it I who have been the subject of devilment, am I the one possessed? It's not my that changed."
The letters didn't come any more. Years passed; and then Saladin Chamcha

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