Monday, October 13, 2008

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888 painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888 paintingJohn William Waterhouse Odysseus and the Sirens paintingThomas Kinkade xmas cottage painting
Modern humans are, in the majority, perpetually stressed out. An article on Depression in the Medical Journal Australia** recently cited that stress levels “…among people living a Western lifestyle have risen by approximately 45% over the past 30 years.”
Practitioners of meditation believe this springs from the average person’s inability to disconnect from the stress of past events or perceived future threats. Whilst walking down the street, a person may not be doing anything stressful in that moment but may nonetheless be highly agitated due to the tendency of the mind to constantly mull over past or future problems. This occurs even though none of these problems may have anything to do with walking down the street.
In short – we are a society of perpetual ‘worry warts’, and

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