Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Edward Hopper Summertime painting

Edward Hopper Summertime paintingEdward Hopper Summer Evening paintingEdward Hopper Room in New York painting
exercise or other outdoor activities, reading and learning, shopping or eating or entertainment, volunteering, or spending time with people who are important to you. There are as many other possibilities as there are people in the world, of course.
Create your short list now, and then continue to the next section.

It’s time to take a Big Picture are you spending your time right now? How long do you work (and how much of that time is spent on doing what you really love about your work)? What do you do before and after work? What do you do on your days off?
Now think about all the things you do, and how many of them are on your short list. For the things not on your short list, what can you eliminate? Some things might be big commitments that are hard to get out of — but over time, you can get out of them. Learn to say no, and learn how to tell people that you can no longer commit to doing something. It’s not always easy, but you should do what you really want to do, not what others want you to do.

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