Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thomas Kinkade A New Day Dawning painting

Thomas Kinkade A New Day Dawning paintingJohn Collier Lilith paintingGustav Klimt lady with fan painting
There was a clatter of footsteps outside the door, and Hermione burst inside.

   "We woke up and didn't know where you were!" she said breathlessly. She turned and shouted over her shoulder, "Ron! I've found him"

Ron's annoyed voice echoed distantly from several floors below.

"Good! Tell him from me he's a git!"

   "Harry don't just disappear, please, we were terrified! Why did you come up here anyway?" She gazed around the ransacked room. "What have you been doing?"

"Look what I've just found"

   He held out his mother's letter. Hermione took it out and read it while Harry watched her. When she reached the end of the page she looked up at him.

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