Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rothko No 10 Brown Black Sienna on Dark Wine 1963

Rothko No 10 Brown Black Sienna on Dark Wine 1963Rothko Green White and Yellow on YellowRothko Earth and Green2Rothko Earth and green 1955
appeared to be huge. Held at his chin and aimed upward, the beam of a flashlight enhanced this effect.“Ooga-ooga,” said Mr. Roma, Ming, in a talkative mood and in full guru mode, mightbecause without the use of his upper lip, he couldn’t pronounce the b in booga.When Fric went to the window, Mr. Roma allowed his face to pop back into shape. The guard said, “How you doin’, Fric?”“I’m fine now,” Fric replied, raising his voice to be heard through the glass. “For a second there, I thought you were Ming.”“Ming’s in Florida with your dad.”“He came back early,” Fric said. “He’s out there walking in the rain somewhere.”Mr. Roma’s smile froze.“He wanted me to walk with him,” Fric said, “so he could teach me all about how rain washes the planet’s spirit or something.”[491] The frozen smile cracked, crumbled. Mr. Roma lowered the light from his face and turned his back to Fric, sweeping the night with the beam.“You’ll probably run into him,” Fric said.Realizing that the flashlight pinpointed his position, Mr. Roma switched it off. “See you, Fric,” he said, and dashed away into the foggy gloom.Although Fric was a lousy liar and had not sounded convincing even to himself, Mr. Roma didn’t dare call his bluff if there was a one in a thousand chance that be in the vicinity.

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