Thursday, February 12, 2009

Henri Rousseau A Carnival Evening

Henri Rousseau A Carnival EveningPaul Cezanne Three BathersPaul Cezanne The Black Clock
the moon rose, the witches began their spell to heal Will's wound.
They woke him and asked him to lie the knife on the ground where it caught a glitter of starlight. Lyra sat nearby stirring some herbs in a pot of boiling water over a fire, and while her companions clapped and stamped and cried in rhythm, Serafina crouched over the knife and sang in a high, fierce tone:
"Little knife!
They mercy.
And when you sliced a single shade
into thirty thousand shadows,
then they knew that you were ready,tore your iron out of Mother Earth's entrails,built a fire and boiled the ore,made it weep and bleed and flood,hammered it and tempered it,plunging it in icy water,heating it inside the forgetill your blade was blood-red, scorching!Then they made you wound the wateronce again, and yet again,till the steam was boiling fogand the water cried for

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