Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Serenity Cove

Thomas Kinkade Serenity Cove
the sunlight again.The inner courtyard was lined with clowns and fools. Bells tinkled in the breeze. Sunlight glinted off red noses and the occasional nervous jet of water from a fake buttonhole.The clown ushered
Thomas Kinkade Petals of Hope
forgetting: is it crying on the outside and laughing on the inside? I always get it mixed up.''About this Beano—'Colon began.'We're just holding his funeral,' said the little clown. 'That's why my trousers are at half-mast.'They stepped out
Thomas Kinkade Make a Wish Cottage
,' Colon warned.Boffo looked crestfallen.A band struck up, and a procession of Guild members emerged from the chapel. A clown walked a little way ahead, carrying a small urn.'This is very moving,' said Boffo.On a dais on the opposite side of the quadrangle was a fat clown in baggy trousers, huge braces, a bow tie that was spinning gently in the breeze
Thomas Kinkade Key West

I suppose not.' The clown sighed. 'It's not easy, you know. Clowning, I mean. I'm on gate duty 'cos I'm on probation.'
'You are?'
'I keep on into the guards into a line of fools.
'I'm sure Dr Whiteface will talk to you as soon as we've finished,' he said. 'My name's Boffo, by the way.' He held out his hand hopefully.
'Don't shake it, and a top hat. His face had been painted into a picture of misery. He held a bladder on a stick.
The clown with the urn reached the dais, climbed the steps, and waited.
The band fell silent.
The clown in the top hat hit the urn-carrier about th

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