Friday, August 29, 2008

William Bouguereau Innocence painting

William Bouguereau Innocence paintingBill Brauer The Gold Dress paintingUnknown Artist Pink Floyd Back Catalogue painting
itself were ranked those who'd tattled on classmates, roommates, or colleagues; who'd given classified military-data to hostile ; and who'd exploited the naïveté of exchange-students or visiting professors. Finally, poised as it seemed over the sinkhole itself, was a single cell reserved for any who undid in flunkèd wise his professor, department-head, dean, chancellor, or -- most heinous treason! -- his Grand Tutor.
Though not all of the penciled labels were meaningful to me, I was much impressed by the size and layout of the institution -- much more orderly, at least on paper, than the Powerhouse. Had not other matters pressed, I'd have asked Maurice Stoker to guide me through the place and explain how the several sorts of malefactors were punished, and for what term. Specifically I wondered whether Stoker determined and administered their sentences on his own authority or as agent for the Chancellor, and fervently hoped that the latter was the case.
The inner-office door opened behind me

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