Friday, August 29, 2008

John William Godward Dolce far niente painting

John William Godward Dolce far niente paintingJohn William Waterhouse Miranda - The Tempest paintingJohn William Waterhouse Gather ye rosebuds while ye may painting
That's just what I meant a while ago," I said. "You've got more of Croaker in you than you'll admit."
"When I find out you're Stacey's twin brother, I take your advice," he promised merrily.
A little cross, I bade him goodbye and called the lift. My first chore, so far as I could see, was accomplished by forfeit, and I must get on with the second, at the same time foraging some lunch if I could; if Dr. Eierkopf would not heed my suggestions, it was his own flunkage.
"Don't fuss,Zickelchen," he said; "I just tease you a little."
"It's yourself you're teasing, sir; I don't care either way." What Idid care about, I declared, was Bray's false Certifications, and I urged him to consider, for his own and Croaker's sake, my suggestion. He promised to do so; and further to placate me (for I had no great faith in his pledge) he offered to run a similar logical-possibility test for me on my other chores.
"To me, for instance, there's just three ways to end the Boundary Dispute

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