Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Winslow Homer Light on the Sea painting

Winslow Homer Light on the Sea paintingWinslow Homer Kissing the Moon paintingAndrew Atroshenko Before the Dance painting
SOMEBODY ASKED ME if I'd heard that there were immortal people on the Yendian plane, and somebody else told me that there were, so when I got there, I asked about them. The travel agent rather reluctantly showed me on her map a place called the Island of the Immortals. "You don't want to go there," she said.
"I don't?"
"Well, it's dangerous," she said, looking at me as if she thought I was not the danger-loving type, in which she was entirely correct. She was a rather unpolished local agent, not an employee of the Interplanary Service. Yendi is not a popular destination. In many ways it's so like our own plane that it seems hardly worth the trouble of visiting. There are differences, but they're subtle.
"Why is it called the Island of the Immortals?"

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