Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lord Frederick Leighton Venus Disrobing for the Bath painting

Lord Frederick Leighton Venus Disrobing for the Bath paintingLord Frederick Leighton The Golden Hours paintingLord Frederick Leighton The Bath of Psyche painting
couldn't think any more. Thoughts just came into me and went through me and I watched them. And no plans for the future any more because what was my future now? I'd thought of being a schoolteacher. My mother had been so excited about that, she'd encouraged me to stay in school the extra year, to qualify for teachers' Well. I had my nineteenth birthday lying there in my little room in our three-room flat over the grocery on Lacemakers Lane. My mother brought some fancy food from the restaurant and a bottle of honey wine, and we tried to have a celebration, but I couldn't drink the wine, and she couldn't eat because she was crying. But I could eat, I was always starving hungry, and that cheered her up... Poor Mama!
Well, so, I came out of that, little by little, and the wings grew in, great ugly dangling naked things, disgusting, to start with, and even worse when they started to fledge, with the pin-feathers like great pimples. But when the primaries and

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