Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gustav Klimt Danae (detail) painting

Gustav Klimt Danae (detail) paintingSalvador Dali The Persistence of Memory paintingSalvador Dali The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory painting
irrespective of gender; flagellants were not. Although one glass of light wine was served with the evening meal in every dining-hall, drunkenness, , was punished severely, as were fights of any sort and even domestic altercations -- wifebeating, in particular, was made punishable by long detention. Tower-Hall patronage was abolished; macing, graft, division of interest, and other abuses of office became grounds for expulsion from the cole. Censorship was imposed upon all media of entertainment, communication, instruction, and artistic expression, with the aim of suppressing excess. Exotic dress, grooming, and behavior were condemned from all sides by billboards and Telerama messages, and -- what was perhaps the most controversial measure of all -- it was proposed that psychotherapy be made obligatory for extreme or intemperate personalities, to the end of schooling them in moderation. This last proposal the Chancellor ultimately vetoed as immoderate, though he himself had drafted it; but the press criticized him all the same -- in guarded terms, out of respect for the censorship. So also did the rank and file of New Tammany undergraduates, who had used to adore him; they removed his sunny

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"Gustav Klimt Danae (detail) painting"