Monday, September 1, 2008

John William Godward Nu Sur La Plage painting

John William Godward Nu Sur La Plage paintingJohn William Godward Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder paintingJohn William Waterhouse Echo and Narcissus painting
with her in almost gentlemanly fashion, and finally announced that he wanted her advice: Didn't she agree that he should drop in at the Light House and publicly deny kinship with Lucky Rexford?
"I swear that's what he said, George -- and somildly!" Any moment, she declared, she had expected him to end the cruel pretense and become his normal self again. Had he but smashed even alittle porcelain, called out a few obscenities, or pinched the waitress's behind, she might have dined with some small appetite despite the novelty of the occasion. As it was, she could eat nothing, and trembled with worry that she had displeased him in some way. His question she could scarcely comprehend; not until they rose from table did she venture to say, "Whateveryou think, dear" -- and that only to terminate the suspense, for she was certain that as soon as she took the bait of his polite inquiry he'd perpetrate some characteristic outrage in the tea-room. He had been drawing out her chair as she replied, and when he took her elbows then she'd closed her eyes and waited, almost with relief, to be assaulted upon the table or otherwise indignified -- but he had gently

1 comment: said...

John William Godward Nu Sur La Plage painting