Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lord Frederick Leighton Cymon and Iphigenia painting

Lord Frederick Leighton Cymon and Iphigenia paintingLord Frederick Leighton Acme and Septimus paintingJean Auguste Dominique Ingres Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne painting
It so happened that his Business that afternoon was to hear a charge of treason brought against Lentulus, one of the pontiffs who had incurred his suspicion in the matter of the prayer for Nero and Drusus, and also because he had voted for the mitigation of Sosia's sentence. When Lentuhis, a simple old mar, distinguished equally for his birth, his victories in Africa under Augustus and his unassuming mildness-his nickname was "The BeIl-Wether"-heard that he was accused of plotting against the State, he burst out laughing. Tiberius, already distracted, lost all self-control and said, nearly weeping, to the House: "If Lentulus too hates me, I am unworthy to live."
Callus replied: "Cheer up. Your Majesty-I beg your pardon, I had forgotten that you dislike the title-I should say, cheer up, Tiberius Caesar! Lentulus was not laughing at you, he was laughing with you. He was rejoicing with you that for once there should come before the Senate a charge of treason that was absolutely unfounded." So the charge against Lentulus was dropped

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