Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles dAvignon painting

Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles dAvignon paintingPablo Picasso Crucifixion paintingPablo Picasso Bread and Fruit Dish on a Table painting
that here you are just as conspicuous and, may I say, abnormal, my dear, as I should be in B-b-bratt’s.’
The place was painted cobalt; there was cobalt lineoleum on the floor. Fishes of silver and gold paper had been pasted haphazard on ceiling and walls. Half a dozen youths were drinking and playing with the slot-machines; an older, natty, crapulous-looking man seemed to be in control; there was some sniggering round the fruit-gum machine; then one of the youths came up to us and said, ‘Would your friend care to rhumba?’ ‘No, Tom, he would not, and I’m not going to give you a drink; not yet, anyway.
That’s a very impudent boy, a regular little gold-digger, my dear.’ ‘Well,’ I said, affecting an ease I was far from feeling in that den, what have you been up to all these years?’
‘My dear, it is what you have been up to that we are here

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