Sunday, October 5, 2008

Paul Cezanne Man Smoking a Pipe painting

Paul Cezanne Man Smoking a Pipe paintingPaul Cezanne Jas de Bouffan the Pool paintingPaul Cezanne House of Pere Lacroix painting
Johnjohn has a companion I think we’d better not have any more for some time, don’t you?’ ‘Just as you please.’
‘Johnjohn talks of you such a lot. He prays every night for your safe return.’ She talked in this way while she undressed with an effort to appear at ease; then she sat at the dressing table, ran a comb through her hair, and with her bare back towards me, looking at herself in the glass, said: ‘Shall I put my face to bed?’ It was a familiar phrase, one that I did not like; she meant should she remove her make-up, cover herself with grease and put her hair in a net. ‘No,’ I said, ‘not at once.’
Then she knew what was wanted. She had neat, hygienic ways for that too, but there were both relief and triumph in her smile of welcome; later we parted

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