Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sandro Botticelli The Story of Nastagio degli Onesti painting

Sandro Botticelli The Story of Nastagio degli Onesti paintingSandro Botticelli The Cestello Annunciation paintingSandro Botticelli Madonna in Glory with Seraphim painting
wrong. At the end of each passage I paused, tense, afraid to start the next, fearing, like a gambler, that luck must turn and the pile be lost. Bit by bit, minute by minute, the thing came into being. There were no difficulties; the intricate multiplicity of light and colour became a whole; the right colour was where I wanted it, on the palette; each brush stroke, as soon as it was complete, seemed to have been there always.
Presently on the last afternoon I heard a voice behind me say: ‘May I stay here and watch?’
I turned and found Cordelia.
‘Yes,’ I said, ‘if you don’t talk,’ and I worked on, oblivious of her, until the failing sun made me put up my brushes.
‘It must be lovely to be able to do that.’

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