Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jean Beraud The Theatre des Varietes painting

Jean Beraud The Theatre des Varietes paintingJean Beraud Symphony in Red and Gold paintingJean Beraud Leaving La Madeleine Paris painting
Your brain's gone," Salman said flatly. "You've been out of the sun too long. Or maybe that costume makes you talk like a clown."
Baal was pretty tipsy by this time, and began some hot retort, but Salman raised an unsteady hand. "Don't want to fight," he said. "Lemme tell you instead. Hottest story in town. Whoowhoo! And it's relevant to whatch, whatchyou say."
Salman's story: Ayesha and the Prophet had gone on an expedition to a far-flung village, and on the way back to Yathrib their party had camped in the dunes for the night. Camp was struck in the dark before the dawn. At the last moment Ayesha was obliged by a call of nature to rush out of sight into a hollow. While she was away her litter--bearers picked up her palanquin and marched off. She was a light woman, and, failing to notice much difference

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