Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tamara de Lempicka Two Friends painting

Tamara de Lempicka Two Friends paintingTamara de Lempicka The Green Turban paintingTamara de Lempicka Summer painting
was frightful! -- and if Lucifer existed, so must Gabriel; if Hellfire had been seen to burn, then somewhere, over the rainbow, Paradise must surely shine. Mimi Mamoulian had, it was alleged, played a full part in the deceptions, weeping and pleading for all she was worth. They were undone by overconfidence, spotted at Takesushi (whooping it up and cracking jokes with the chef) by a Mrs. Aileen Struwelpeter who had, only the previous afternoon, handed the then-distraught and terrified couple a five-thousand-dollar cheque. Mrs. Struwelpeter was not without influence in the New York Police Department, and the boys in blue arrived before Mimi had finished her tempura. They both went quietly. Mimi was wearing, in the newspaper photographs, what Chamcha guessed was a forty-thousanddollar mink coat, and an expression on her face that could only be read one way.
_The hell with you all_.
Nothing further was heard, for some while, about Farishta's film.
o o o

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