Monday, February 2, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Sunday Outing

Thomas Kinkade Sunday OutingThomas Kinkade spirit of xmasThomas Kinkade Serenity Cove
Earthlings have had an over-inflated view of how far the planet's atmosphere extends into space. Turns out, the ionosphere, the layer of electrically charged particles that comprises the outer atmosphere, is thinner than expected -- and cooler.
Understanding the distort radio, radar and navigation signals. Such distortions can make communications and satellite-based systems less reliable.
"In order to predict how severe those distortions will be, it's necessary to know how big those structures in the ionosphere are and where they exist," Roderick Heelis, with the Space sciences Center at the University of Texas in Dallas, told Discovery News.shape and size of the ionosphere is an important first step in figuring out how particularly dense regions within it may

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