Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Andy Warhol Portrait of Maurice

Andy Warhol Portrait of MauriceAndy Warhol Page from Lips BookAndy Warhol One Blue PussyAndy Warhol MarilynAndy Warhol Flowers Red 1964
took off the crown and turned it over and over in his hands. There wasn't much metal in it, but it felt heavy. He wondered how heavy it would get if you wore it all the time.
At the head of the table was an empty chair containing, he had been assured, the ghost of his real father. It would have been nice to report that he had experienced anything more, when being introduced to it, than an icy doubled as Lancre's beadle, town clerk and gravedigger, 'we've all lost fifteen years.'
'No, we've all gained them,' said the mayor. 'It stands to reason. Time's like this sort of wiggly road, see, but we took a short cut across the fields.'sensation and a buzzing in the ears.'I suppose I could help father pay off on the Dysk,' he said.'That would be nice, yes,' said Hwel.He spun the crown in his fingers and listened glumly to the talk flowing back and forth over his head.'Fifteen years?' said the Mayor of Lancre.'We had to,' said Granny Weatherwax.'I thought the baker was a bit early last week.''No, no,' said the witch impatiently. 'It doesn't work like that. No-one's lost anything.''According to my figuring,' said the man who

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