Friday, March 20, 2009

Paul Gauguin The Vision After the Sermon

Paul Gauguin The Vision After the SermonPaul Gauguin Spirit of the Dead WatchingPaul Gauguin Hail MaryHenri Matisse Woman with a HatHenri Matisse The Window
Teppic waved a hand at the model on its podium.
'Yes,' he said uncertainly. 'Well. Good. Four walls and a pointy tip. Jolly good. First class. Says it all, really.' There still seemed to be too much silence around. He plunged on.
'Good 'Sire?'
'I seem to remember once, my father said that, you know, when he died, he'd quite like to, sort of thing, be buried at sea.'
There wasn't the choke of outrage he had expected. 'He meant the delta. It's very soft ground by the delta,' said Ptaclusp. 'It'd take months to get decent footings in. Then there's your risk of sinking. And the damp. Not good, damp, inside a pyramid.'
'No,' said Teppic, sweating under Dios's gaze, 'I think what he meant was, you know, in the seashow,' he said. 'I mean; there's no doubt about it. This is.. . a. . . pyramid. And what a pyramid it is! Indeed.' This still didn't seem enough. He sought for something else. 'People will look at it in centuries to come and they'll say, they'll say . . . that is a pyramid. Um.' He coughed. 'The walls slope nicely,' he croaked. 'But,' he said. Two pairs of eyes swivelled towards his. 'Um,' he said. Dios raised an eyebrow.

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